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Rising & Beyond Case Study

About Rising & Beyond Rising & Beyond is an extension of service which is focused on M.I.C.E, Weddings & Social Events internationally.It initiates the process from inception to execution, to deliver a customised programme suited to one’s specific aims and objectives. It strives to ensure flawless delivery of services with a view to create an amazing experience for its clientele. Pros & Cons The Challenges It was a challenge to separate that Rising & Beyond is an International event company and not a tourism company.Keeping the designs clean and simple but still making it look amazing.  The Advantages Since the parent company Rising Events was 10 years old, a sense of trust is established.The fact that they had already done few international weddings & they had a strong partnership across Hotels internationally. Logo Creation  A Logo is a company’s unique visual identifier and it needs to be memorable, versatile and timeless Final Logo Stationery Website Creation  A great website is much more than beautiful elements and animations. A website can have stunning imagery but meeting the business need and being guided by your specifications only happens when you personalize your design at a conceptual level with a mockup, a wire frame, and a project management process to fill each and everyone of your needs. Rising And Beyond Website Custom Feature  The impression you make on the users can either get them to remain on your page and learn about your business or leave your page and turn to a competitor. A good web design helps you keep your leads on your page.As the focus of Rising And Beyond was totally on the international pictures we made a customized design keeping in mind the photos as the priority. Brochure Creation  Being a form of direct communication to your customers through a well planned brochure! Social Media   Being consistent in your post frequency is really important in order to grow a social media audience. We make sure it is maintained by storytelling in the form of artwork. Instagram Posts Lead Generation Funnel Flow Promoted Posts The Results Leads delivered  120+ Duration   3 months Website Sessions  4,500+ Average Session Duration  1 minute 10 seconds + New Users   1,500+
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How to define your Brand Personality
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How to define your Brand Personality

What is a brand personality? Each human is said to have a certain type of personality, the same applies to a brand when the brand is given such characteristics which can be defined as the personality of that brand. A brand personality is something that consumers can relate to and connect with the brand. The brand through its communication and tone tends to show its personality thus trying to appeal its audience. Defining the Vision: The Vision of a Brand lies at the intersection of ‘What Brands want to be’ and ‘What Audiences Seek’. It is first necessary to define the ‘Viable Business Idea’ that straddles both these areas. From this ‘Viable Business Idea’ will emanate the ‘Tenable Brand Claim’, which becomes the foundation of the Brand Vision. Once we have the Brand Vision defined, we need to validate the same into a Brand Proposition.  To correctly answer this question, we need to answer related questions like: Where is the brand in terms of the marketing landscape?Why is the brand in that position in the landscape (e.g. Legacy or incumbent issues)The most essential question that begs answering at this stage is ‘Who is the brand?’Where does the brand want to go given the challenges it has?How will I get there? – The road map of how the marketing strategy will deliver the set objectivesAm I getting there? – The metrics of evaluation that will be applied as per the strategy to ensure that the outcomes can be calibrated and improved in the areas it falls short in.  Examples of Brand Personalities In order to reach and target the right audience and convert them into being customers it extremely important to relate to the audience. It is quite common for a customer to purchase from a brand that is similar to a personality of their own. Excitement: carefree, spirited and youthfulSincerity: kindness, caring and an outlook towards family and societyRuggedness: adventurous, tough, outdoorsy, and athleticCompetence: success, elegance, shown leadershipSophistication: elegant, prestigious and subtle  A company’s brand personality helps in creating an emotional connection with its desired segment with a view to get the audience to act upon that and in return benefit the firm. Hence, it is extremely important to hone the brand personality and stick to it in order to reach and relate to the audience in the best way possible. 
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Tips & Tricks to Work from Home
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Tips & Tricks to Work from Home

During these tough times amidst the COVID-19 it is fairly easy to lose your sanity while working from home. Most people suffer from this fatal flaw — ‘Lack of Planning.’ The most valuable thing we have today is time, now more than ever! We want to watch shows on our own time, we want to reply back to texts at our own time, etc. It is extremely important to follow a few important yet simple steps while working from home. 1. Routine It is extremely important to set a routine for yourself on a daily basis. It does not have to be the exact same routine as you now have some time as basic as your daily commute time. You are free to do what makes you happy in this extra time you have gained. If you wish to be productive, be productive, if you wish to relax please feel free to do so. Other than this, set a regular work routine throughout the day to complete all essential tasks assigned to you and make sure to stick to the routine with a few breaks for meals and regular walks around the house.  2. To-do lists We swear by these and we make them and keep them updated regularly! We used to write these but have now moved to a digital one to be able to allocate specific times to be able to complete these tasks. It’s a simple concept; you can’t get everything done without knowing what everything includes. 3. Collaborative Tools We at FYA Media Group use tools like Asana and Slack on a regular working day as well. This further benefits during these WFH days. Asana is a fundamental task management app that helps our whole team with their daily tasks, to-do lists and helps everyone stick to deadlines. Slack is an internal communication tool that lets the team chat with one another and share files for daily work. 4. Work Area Setting up a dedicated work area helps one work in that area as one knows it is dedicated to working. If one sits to work where one sleeps it is natural one will tend to get more lethargic there. 5. Communicate Constant communication with the team is extremely important during these WFH days. These can be general calls or video calls through the day. A little extra communication when it comes to keeping the team updated on your work progress is extremely important while working from home. 6. Minimize This is a difficult one! Is it really possible to allow only a specific amount of time and then try to get it done in an even shorter amount of time? Well, we think so! For example, we now go into con calls with a fixed list of points to discuss, mail them to the others an hour before the call and try to ensure everyone stays on track. 5 minutes saved on 10 calls is almost an hour added to the day. Try it, it might take a while to get a hold of but this is the real key to productivity. Hope you found these tips helpful and if you have any more do please share them in the comments below.
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How Social Media has Become a Ubiquitous Part of Our Daily Life
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How Social Media has Become a Ubiquitous Part of Our Daily Life

Let’s be honest, I don’t think most of us would want to spend a day away without our smartphones. There is so much talk about social networks and social media everywhere. These conversations of eCommerce, valuations and the sheer time we spend on them have blended into our everyday lives. The question is what is social media and how did it become such a crucial part of our life. Social networks have opened new horizons of devising and learning new information, sharing ideas and connecting with others. Social media has notably changed the way people interact and carry on with their everyday lives on social networks. People using the internet, spend most of their time on social media sites. Realistically speaking the consumer-facing the internet is only about 20 years old. The impact of this on our lives is unimaginable! Just put it into numbers, Facebook has 1.65 billion monthly active users, with each user spending an average of 10–20 minutes a day on it. So the way I look at it, social media is the current state of the internet. The only thing that matters is where people invest their time and attention. Social media, these days have greatly changed the way people spend their leisure time, so it is difficult not to acknowledge that we as humans are living through the greatest cultural shift in communication and content consumption since the invention of the telephone and television. Only a few things have had this influence on people as Social media. These sites are certainly a step toward world globalization. There is a range of social media sites available, you can find any to suit your convenience and lifestyle. From Twitter to Facebook and Google+, something is available for everyone who wants to connect.
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If You Don’t Understand People, You Can’t Understand Business
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If You Don’t Understand People, You Can’t Understand Business

Humans are social animals; we interact with each other, share information, opinions, and experiences. It’s with this interaction that we build relationships, relationships that are the building blocks of a community and a society. A community is a group of individuals who share a set of common values and beliefs, and so is an organization. Here is a list to make the point that, if you don’t understand people, you can’t understand business. 1. Meeting People Despite all the technological revolution you still have to interact with people in person, you have to be there to carry out the business, and when all your customers, colleagues, employees are human it becomes very important to understand people if you want to understand business. Understanding people involves studying the way people work, their individual styles, what attitudes and perceptions they bring to work, how they interact with a team and the nature of their hopes, dreams, and desires. 2. People = Business Have you ever heard of people less business? Neither have we. People are what you build your business around. When you understand them better, you understand your business better. When you are good at understanding your company’s and customer’s needs and concern, it shows. You can work on your business plan better to make it work, and your plans are more optimized to produce the end product 3. Understanding Builds Trust You don’t trust strangers, do you? You just can’t. Yet building trust is the most crucial aspect of doing business, just knowing that a person is good at doing something doesn’t build trust it builds reliability and appreciation. To trust someone you need to know that person. You must understand the person you work with in order to trust them, which results in better work. 4. They Influence You Remember how your mother used to warn you about bad influence when you were young? Her words are still true. The people you surround yourself with influence your behavior and decisions. The kind of people you collaborate with influences the work culture of your organization, and they influence the way your company conducts itself. 5. Understanding Improves Teamwork Understanding each other is one of the key ingredients in buildings a great soccer team, and a company is not much different. Your colleagues are your teammates. Understanding people you work with helps you to work better as a team and in turn amplify your strengths and make up for the weaknesses. ‘People’ do you get it? That’s the whole point.
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State of Industry: Fashion & Lifestyle
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State of Industry: Fashion & Lifestyle

What’s covered in this Deep Dive Current Digital TrendsCommonly Faced ProblemsChallenges & OpportunitiesA New Approach to Digital PromotionsFuture Trends  We have tried to take a holistic view of the industry’s approach to digital marketing & based our analysis on that. Current Digital Trends Commonly Faced Problems Optimizing the Mobile Experience While sites are being made responsive, UI is still being visualized from a desktop perspective ORM Efficient ORM is greatly lacking in today’s industry as brands rarely track indirect complaints made about them. Whereas ORM can be used to convert customers unhappy with other brands Not Enough Brand Building Apart from sales-focused campaigns, we also need to focus on creating brand awareness to build the brand in digital space Inability to Personalize Purchase Experience Personalization adds a great touch to one’s purchase experience. Providing a personalized recommendation to the consumer can add to a great consumer experience Low ROI Due to lack of brand building and poor quality traffic, digital spending tends to be high resulting in a low ROI. Community Building A business can thrive on the basis of promotion and repeat sales. If a loyal community is built who regularly purchases and promotes our brand it can add to a great word of mouth State of Digital Marketing Challenges Inability to differentiate from competitorsCustomer RetentionDiscounts and offersCustomer service Opportunities Instagram swipe up adsSnapchat adsOmnichannel ExperienceWhatsapp for Business Omnichannel Experience Providing an omnichannel experience through the convenience of online shopping and having the same customer in-store can help in giving customers a great experience.Gathering customer data and leveraging it to the fullest can prove to be a key strategy in boosting sales.Providing a personalized feed to users and recommending based on demographics and likes along with past purchase history can help in achieving maximum conversions. A New Approach to Promotion User Engagement User Retargeting Why use a Sales Funnel? Multi-level engagement with the userCreating awareness about the brandStrong retargetingHigher rate of conversionsRelevant options as per the user requirementPersonalized offers which will help us retain customers Apart from the above-mentioned points, it also helps us in building a strong brand recall Future Trends Progressive Web Apps According to Comscore, 52% of mobile media engagement made by using apps. A Progressive Web App is not only 10x faster but also lighter than regular apps making it easy to delight your consumers & increase conversions. Augmented Reality As brands look to deliver a “try before you buy” experience for shoppers who don’t want to visit stores, more uses of this technology will abound. This provides ease and convenience to users.  Micro-Influencer Campaigns Initiating campaigns with multiple Micro-influencers with a small but highly engaged audience. Campaigns with these micro-influencers can prove to be more beneficial in terms of scale as well as cost. Our entire effort is focused on making sense of complexity in brands and products. From promising startups to companies with decades of history, we create and position businesses from strategy and design to developing a complete user experience. Designing brands and products that speak to both heart & mind. -YASH SANGHVI
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