Tag: Ecommerce

10 Things to Consider when Designing an Ecommerce Website
Website Designing

10 Things to Consider when Designing an Ecommerce Website

Design an e-commerce website that is eye-catching and pleasant for visitors is not an easy task. As a web designer, you must keep in mind these pointers and accordingly design a more engaging, useful and simple website. 1. Your Design Should Match with Your Products  Consistency plays a vital role in making your e-commerce website work. Keeping your design comprehensible with the product that you deal with will complete the overall feel and look of your site. When designing a website, make sure that everything from images, color schemes, to text, would perfectly define your website. Anyone who would visit your website should know what you’re dealing with by just looking at the design of your website.  2. Demonstrate Proper Product and Descriptions The purpose of your e-commerce website is to sell products, therefore it is important to highlight the items on your site. Make sure you have excellent high-quality pictures as that is what has seen my the visitors and this would help them to gauge as to how the item looks in reality. The absence of the product image and lack of information would increase your bounce rate as visitors would leave the website.  For better visibility and usability. Choose a layout that emphasizes your product on every page and don’t let your visitors find the page.  3. Reasonable Shipping Rates or Free Shipping We feel that most of the shoppers are attracted to those websites that offer low shipping charges or free shipping. It usually happens that you liked a product and added to cart but during checkout, you see that there are some shipping charges so the total amount payable is quite more than your budget. This makes a visitor think whether this product deserves to pay the shipping charge?. This is the reason that people often abandoned the shopping cart. 4. Appealing Shopping Cart Design Too many designers don’t pay attention to shopping carts, but it is one of the most important parts of your website.  A good shopping cart can help users to add multiple items, revise an order, or remove products as easily as possible. When designing a shopping cart, make sure that you include all the product images, their reviews, and a convenient search bar for the same. Design quality must be appealing and simple as this will help you in attracting more shoppers which will increase your conversion rates. 5. Guest Checkout Many e-commerce sites today require the users to first register and create an account and then make a purchase. However, this is extremely useful as it allows you to communicate and track your customers and this is not something that customers wish to share. Customers want to make every transaction as quick and impersonal as possible and not feel forced when asked to register. It is believed that the guest checkouts help to boost your conversion rates and to reduce abandoning the cart as it removes the barrier of registration and tracking your data as security is everyone’s utmost priority.  6. Easy Checkout Process The easier the checkout process, the more customers are motivated to repurchase. So try not to make multiple pages for the checkout process as it would confuse the user, so a single and a simple page is good enough for consumers. This would increase your conversion rates as you have created an easy checkout page.  7. Provide Lots of Payment Options We have seen a lot of e-commerce sites that allows users to pay only from their visa or master card and not through any other alternative. However, if you wish to boost your sales in the long run then make sure you provide a wide range of payment options. Customers should not feel restricted with a few payment options. 8. Call to Action Call to action is one of the most important parts of your website designing. Visitors are more likely to leave your website without interacting with any of the content in the absence of CTAs. This also helps in creating a valuable database for businesses which can then be used in the future. Cta can direct the users to take the desired action, which improves your conversion rates, and ultimately it will help you to enhance engagement and performance of landing pages.  9. Keep Your Website Secure All e-commerce sites are a target for hackers and so there is a huge need to keep the store secured. So the best way to make sure that your site is secured is to have an SSL to encrypt information. With an SSL certificate, you can protect your customer’s valuable information. 10. Integrate with Social Platforms Integrating your website with social media has a lot of advantages. As now a day’s social media has become a platform to promote your brand and what new offers are going on. The data collected from visitors on social media can be used to provide suggestions on what products they may like or what are the new product which resembles their likings and reviews would build add a loyalty factor. We have been rated one of the Best Website Design and Development Company in Mumbai, FYA Media Group has a team of expert Website Designers who create beautiful, engaging, bug-free websites. Our codes are optimized in the most structured manner to create technically strong websites. Let us know how can we be of assistance to you.
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How Social Media has Become a Ubiquitous Part of Our Daily Life
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How Social Media has Become a Ubiquitous Part of Our Daily Life

Let’s be honest, I don’t think most of us would want to spend a day away without our smartphones. There is so much talk about social networks and social media everywhere. These conversations of eCommerce, valuations and the sheer time we spend on them have blended into our everyday lives. The question is what is social media and how did it become such a crucial part of our life. Social networks have opened new horizons of devising and learning new information, sharing ideas and connecting with others. Social media has notably changed the way people interact and carry on with their everyday lives on social networks. People using the internet, spend most of their time on social media sites. Realistically speaking the consumer-facing the internet is only about 20 years old. The impact of this on our lives is unimaginable! Just put it into numbers, Facebook has 1.65 billion monthly active users, with each user spending an average of 10–20 minutes a day on it. So the way I look at it, social media is the current state of the internet. The only thing that matters is where people invest their time and attention. Social media, these days have greatly changed the way people spend their leisure time, so it is difficult not to acknowledge that we as humans are living through the greatest cultural shift in communication and content consumption since the invention of the telephone and television. Only a few things have had this influence on people as Social media. These sites are certainly a step toward world globalization. There is a range of social media sites available, you can find any to suit your convenience and lifestyle. From Twitter to Facebook and Google+, something is available for everyone who wants to connect.
Posted by FYA