What Works Best On Instagram?

Among the variety of social media platforms, Instagram is known to be the photo and video sharing social networking site that has the maximum user-base as compared to the others. Instagram has become a huge phenomenon in recent times.

Social Media is an experimental channel that allows users and developers to try and introduce new features. Instagram, for instance, introduced it’s Instagram Stories earlier this month that would help the users capture and share stories that disappear in 24hours, a concept replica of the Snapchat Stories. The reactions of the users to the same have been varied. Few seem to still be trying to get their hand on it, some dislike the replication and some simply love it.

There are certain things that work well on Instagram and if you are an avid user of the app, you might want to consider using these tips to strengthen and grow your following base:

1. Good Quality Pictures

Irrespective of whether you are posting a selfie or a scenic image, it should be of good quality. As basic as the rule is, the success of Instagram relies on the same. You cannot increase your follower base if you don’t give them quality pictures. Blurry images from random angles of weird things are not going to help you gain followers.

2. Long Captions

Contrary to popular beliefs, people love reading longer captions on your photos than just 2 lines describing the image. For instance, people do take the efforts to read through the entire “Humans of Bombay” captions to know more about the featured person (s). And a caption also has the power to capture the interest of the reader; just as much the picture has!

3. Use the Right Hashtags

Instagram works highly on the hashtag search policy, especially if you check out the explore feed. So, you want to make sure that your image pops up in others’ explore, use the right hashtags and at the right place. Overuse of the hashtags is not an option these days considering the fact that Instagram changed its algorithm to suit user preferences.

As basic as the hacks are, they need to be kept in mind to help an increase of the engagement rate on your Instagram as well as help you understand what works for your brand more effectively.
