Top Trends Of 2016 That Will Surely Give A New Direction To The Digital World!
In an era where more than 43% of the world population is connected to the internet enabling us to talk, share information and conduct business throughout the globe. As a result, we have seen more technological advancement in the near time than in the past centuries. And more and more technological advancement is going to pour in, in the second half of 2016.
In 2016, we have seen various technological advancements and trends so far and few of them are here to stay for the long run. Here are our predictions as to what trends will rule the digital landscape in 2016.
1. Focus on Mobile
People are not spending as much time on the desktop as they used to, they are going mobile instead. 2015 was a big year for mobile, Google recently announced that mobile traffic finally took over desktop traffic in 10 different countries and 2016 will be no exception to the rising trend of mobile-oriented content. Google has been providing web apps for quite some time now, and 2016 is going to see it become bigger. Every segment of the internet has seen a downfall of desktop traffic from banking to the social network and this trend is only going to go UP.
2. Context over Content
Content is still the king, but context rules the household. Context gives strategy to your content. Content tells you what to say, but context tells you whom to say it, when to say it and how to say it. Learning about the context in which your content will be perceived gives you an edge over the others. We have seen many tech giants have opted for this strategy in past years. Prominent one being Google Now, Google Now gives you the information you might need not the information it has to offer. And in 2016 context is going to become more important than content.
3. Snapchat becomes King
Snapchat is not like any other typical social media giants, it’s personal. Snapchat is more of a personal media messaging service. It’s personal in sending messages that only you can see and its feature of non-permanent media creates a sense of urgency. Snapchat is about here and now; users don’t have to worry about someone noticing and commenting on their awkward upload from two years back. And its personal approach is enabling brands and companies to engage with their viewers in a more casual way, where they can have a candid back and forth chat.
4. More Real-Time Content
People don’t only want to be a part of it, they want to be a part of it as it is happening. As the technology is advancing rapidly and people are carrying more and more powerful computers with them, it’s getting easier to reach them in real-time. People are more interested in live chat raw videos than polished professional footage. They are more interested in live tweets of the show than big banner ads. With real-time content, people get a chance to be part of events transcending the geographical barrier.
5. Chatbots
Bots are not new, everyone on the internet has interacted with a bot at least once. But in 2016, they are going to become more intuitive and more human-like. They can already book tickets, crack jokes and order a meal; but they are going to be more versatile and prompt. The reason for the bot-revolution is that it’s intuitive, you don’t have to scroll through various options and wait for the web page to load. You can just message a command like you are chatting with your friend. And plus it saves the user from the burden of installing tons of apps and switching between them.