Category: Social Media Marketing

Using GIFs via Social Media
Social Media Marketing

Using GIFs via Social Media

The Graphics Interchange Format or GIF is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite on June 15, 1987.It has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability between many applications and operating systems. GIPHY Giphy, styled as GIPHY, is an American online database and search engine that allows users to search for and share short looping videos with no sound, that resemble animated GIF files.  In October 2019, Giphy had 200 million daily active users, it serves over 1 billion GIFs per day, and visitors watch more than 2 million hours of GIF content every day. Giphy is seeking to take advantage of this landscape since the GIF database has been integrated into most messaging services. Using GIFs as a part of your social media strategy Retaining our audience: For retaining and engaging audiences on social media GIFs are sometimes better to use than text-filled social media posts because as it can help understand the message faster and better.Promotion of an event/product/service: As people are moving completely towards the digital medium promotion of events via event-specific GIFs can always help a brand portray itself better.The personality of a Brand: Using GIFs in social media marketing campaigns helps in giving the brand a unique touch and a personality making it distinct from the others.Audience Involvement: With the help of GIFs many times the audience too gets interested in the uniqueness of the GIF and can encourage them to create content (user-generated content) which helps in brand promotion. GIF Interactions 1. GIFs via Social Media Create custom gifs to use on social media platforms for posts and replying to our audience. 2. GIFs on Whatsapp Creating custom GIFs and replying to inquiries on WhatsApp for audience interaction. 3. GIF across all Communication GIFs being a versatile tool can be used in audience interactions across mailers, social media, contests, thanking the audience, etc. 4. Shareability GIFs are constantly used in instant messaging via WhatsApp making it easy to converse with the audience and each other as well.  5. GIF Demo
Posted by FYA
5 Qualities Required to be the Perfect Social Media Manager
Social Media Marketing

5 Qualities Required to be the Perfect Social Media Manager

1. Has Love and Passion for Social media This is the most important quality a social media manager should have. He should eat and breathe social media. But he shouldn’t only be aware of the different social media platforms he should have profound knowledge about the working of social media. You can hear it in his voice and read it in his tweets that he loves what he is doing. 2. Should be Analytical Social media management is a lot different than being on social media. It requires a lot of analytical skills and planning skills. He should be able to analyze trends and use them. He goes behind the curtain and discovers how the show really runs. Because social media management looks a bit like this. 3. Is a very GOOD Community Manager He needs to possess good community management skills because unless he has knowledge of community dynamics he can’t control their communication platform. He needs to be able to understand human behavior and behavior human conducts as a society. He understands how society thinks. 4. Knows how to use Social Media for a Higher Purpose For him, social media is more than just likes, tags, and selfies. He knows how to use social media as a business tool, and create leads that will help him achieve his goals. 5. Is an Effective Strategist The social media manager is always working on at least 2–3 campaigns at any given time, and he is supposed to produce a result on all of them. He is a good strategist that comes with various meetings, briefs and brainstorming sessions. He is needed to be able to come up with effective strategies that work.
Posted by FYA
Instagram Stories VS Snapchat
Social Media Marketing

Instagram Stories VS Snapchat

It is not a surprise when we say that everything is present on social media. Pulling out a phone, there is just one thing that the world is talking about and every social networking site is filled with it! Mark Zuckerberg introduced a new concept and feature of Instagram stories wherein users can upload images and videos that disappear in a day’s time. They can also share their daily content, add filters, stickers and doodles. Doesn’t it all sound familiar? Mentioning a story, what is the first thing that pops in the head of a phone-savvy person? Of course, it’s the Snapchat Story that has been the talk on every youngster’s tongue for the past 3 years. Here’s why it is the new interesting talk of the town, Facebook has stolen the basic concepts from Snapchat and introduced an exact replica of it, calling it the Instagram Stories. The efforts and intentions of Mark Zuckerberg have been out in the open since the time he tried to buy Snapchat for about $3Billion that was turned down in no time. Announcing the introduction of Slingshot, Facebook’s version of Snapchat, was another step that displayed his efforts to drive a larger audience to his applications with most of it in vain that forced Facebook to delete the announcement later. Updates have been hoped to work constantly without many positive outcomes. Every platform on social media is competing with the other but the question of why is Facebook is so desperate to take over Snapchat arises time and again! Snapchat has grown to be the native camera of people where they instantly click and capture moments and can share the same as their story and save later. Snapchat has proved to be the more content sharing platform over Instagram over the years. Instagram is the visual application that revolves around sharing images, likes and comments when most people can’t care less about the number of double clicks they get. Users looking for something that helps them share more real-time content, more contextual content. As mentioned in one of our earlier blogs, Facebook and Snapchat are competing head-to-head with an almost equal rate of user retention and Instagram is tried to be squeezed in the war. With the same monotonous and repetitive content, despite a large number of active users, Instagram has realized the need to reinvent itself to gain even more importance and user base. With the replica version of Snapchat, Instagram has tried to have an increase in the number of daily images shared by users and steal the latter’s position as the native camera of the people. Talking about the views we share, we don’t think that Instagram is going to succeed in the same. There is a different lot of people one follows and allows to follow on each platform. It’s all about what the users are used to working on! Having the same feature on another app doesn’t help one change their choices that easy! Yes, there would be a smaller lot of people who would test it and use it just to feed their curiosity. But we don’t see Instagram Stories having a successful future till there is the active presence of Snapchat in the market. The discussion about what would be successful and what would not continue to confuse the brands as to what to do next. Adapting and trying something new is the part and parcel of being in the social media industry. Brands must jump to Instagram Stories for now as the whole world is talking about the same and everyone’s attention is on it! They can adapt and advertise themselves through Instagram stories for the time being, till the time the craze is maintained and is up! But it is advisable to not lose sight of Snapchat as it is going to remain the big-thing in the long run!
Posted by FYA
5 Mistakes You Might Be Making In Your Social Media Campaign
Social Media Marketing

5 Mistakes You Might Be Making In Your Social Media Campaign

From the multinational brand to that restaurant around the corner, everyone is trying its hand on social media marketing. But not all of them are acing it actually they are far from even doing it right. They are unable to grasp the concept of how to market on social media.Acing a social media campaign is not an easy task and there are many mistakes that you might be doing without even realizing it. 1. Not making a plan This may sound cliched but it’s true, many fail to plan out a campaign before starting to work on it. Having a basic idea is not enough, you need to plan it out thoroughly. The platforms you are going to be on, the kind of content you need to create and the action you want your audience to take. 2. Too many platforms but not appropriate content It’s another common mistake. There are too many platforms out there and trust me you don’t need to be on all of them. Choose the platforms that you have the strongest audience on and create content according to those platforms and then cross-promote. 3. Too much brand mentions not enough value Though you are making a campaign for creating the buzz around your brand and product don’t let it hijack the entire thing. Don’t fill your posts with only brand mentions instead create content that adds value to the reader’s experience. Remember that if you are asking for their attention, pay them back with value. 4. Scheduling all your posts ahead of time It’s a rather easy and tempting mistake to make. Let’s face it, it’s a lot easier that way. You can just create all the content ahead of time and schedule it for later. But doing so you miss out on lots of opportunities and conversations because you are not participating in what everyone else is talking about. 5. You haven’t tried that new fancy feature Social platforms are fighting to stay alive ( and outdo each other) so the major platforms are constantly rolling out new features every now and then to help both individuals and brands. Be more prompt to try out the new features next time and see if your brand can benefit from it. FYA Media Group is a leading and award-winning Social Media Marketing Agency in Mumbai and we provide the most innovative social media solutions to help your business in the best way possible. We look forward to get to know your brand a little better.
Posted by FYA
What Works Best On Instagram?
Social Media Marketing

What Works Best On Instagram?

Among the variety of social media platforms, Instagram is known to be the photo and video sharing social networking site that has the maximum user-base as compared to the others. Instagram has become a huge phenomenon in recent times. Social Media is an experimental channel that allows users and developers to try and introduce new features. Instagram, for instance, introduced it’s Instagram Stories earlier this month that would help the users capture and share stories that disappear in 24hours, a concept replica of the Snapchat Stories. The reactions of the users to the same have been varied. Few seem to still be trying to get their hand on it, some dislike the replication and some simply love it. There are certain things that work well on Instagram and if you are an avid user of the app, you might want to consider using these tips to strengthen and grow your following base: 1. Good Quality Pictures Irrespective of whether you are posting a selfie or a scenic image, it should be of good quality. As basic as the rule is, the success of Instagram relies on the same. You cannot increase your follower base if you don’t give them quality pictures. Blurry images from random angles of weird things are not going to help you gain followers. 2. Long Captions Contrary to popular beliefs, people love reading longer captions on your photos than just 2 lines describing the image. For instance, people do take the efforts to read through the entire “Humans of Bombay” captions to know more about the featured person (s). And a caption also has the power to capture the interest of the reader; just as much the picture has! 3. Use the Right Hashtags Instagram works highly on the hashtag search policy, especially if you check out the explore feed. So, you want to make sure that your image pops up in others’ explore, use the right hashtags and at the right place. Overuse of the hashtags is not an option these days considering the fact that Instagram changed its algorithm to suit user preferences. As basic as the hacks are, they need to be kept in mind to help an increase of the engagement rate on your Instagram as well as help you understand what works for your brand more effectively.
Posted by FYA